Everything You Possess is a Favor From Allah

Dunia di mana kita hidup, Allah menganugerahkan banyak pertolongan bagi manusia. Semua kebutuhan makhluk hidup disediakan dengan mudah; tiada sesuatu apapun yang terlewat.

Sebagai contoh; mari kita berpikir tentang diri kita. Dari saat kita bangun tidur, kita memerlukan banyak hal dan menemukan beragam keadaan. Singkatnya, kita dapat bertahan hidup karena banyaknya pertolongan yang dilimpahkan kepada kita.

Kita mampu bernapas; segera setelah kita bangun tidur. Kita tidak pernah mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukannya, hal tersebut disebabkan oleh karena sistem pernafasan kita dapat berfungsi dengan baik.

Kita mampu melihat; segera setelah kita membuka mata kita. Pemandangan yang jauh serta jelas, semuanya dalam bentuk tiga dimensi dan penuh dengan warna-warni, dapat dilihat dengan mata kita, tentu saja hal ini disebabkan oleh karena desain mata kita yang unik.
Kita mencicipi beragam rasa. Kebutuhan yang berbeda-beda akan vitamin, mineral, karbohidrat atau protein yang terkandung dalam makanan yang kita makan, serta bagaimana kelebihan nutrisi ini disimpan atau digunakan di dalam tubuh tidak pernah merisaukan kita. Lagi pula, kita hampir tidak pernah memikirkan bahwa terjadi proses yang rumit di dalam tubuh kita.

Ketika kita memegang suatu benda dengan tangan kita, kita langsung dapat mengetahui apakah benda tersebut lembut atau keras. Terlebih lagi, kita tidak perlu berpikir untuk melakukan hal ini. Banyak hal-hal kecil seperti itu yang terjadi dalam tubuh kita. Organ-organ tubuh yang bertanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan hal-hal ini mempunyai mekanisme yang rumit. Fungsi tubuh manusia hampir sama seperti sebuah pabrik yang besar dan kompleks. Tubuh ini merupakan salah satu anugerah terbesar yang diberikan kepada manusia semenjak manusia menjadi khalifah di muka bumi ini.

Dalam hal ini, ada sebuah pertanyaan yang perlu dijawab: bagaimanakah bahan baku yang diperlukan untuk mengoperasikan “pabrik” ini disediakan? Dengan kata lain, bagaimana air, udara, dan semua nutrisi yang penting untuk kehidupan tersedia?

Mari kita berpikir tentang buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran. Semangka, melon, ceri, jeruk, tomat, lada, nenas, murbei, anggur, terong...semuanya berasal dari biji-bijian dan tumbuh dalam tanah, dan biji-biji tersebut kadang-kadang memiliki struktur yang keras seperti kayu. Walaupun demikian, sambil mempertimbangkan hal-hal ini, kita harus menjauhi kebiasaan cara berpikir dan menerapkan metode yang berbeda. Dengan membayangkan nikmat rasa serta bau buah arbei atau bau buah melon yang tidak pernah berubah. Pikirkan, berapa banyaknya waktu dan energi yang dihabiskan dalam laboratorium guna menghasilkan bau yang sama dan tentang percobaan-percobaan yang berulang kali dilakukan tetapi selalu gagal. Tentu saja, hasil yang diperoleh oleh para ilmuwan di dalam laboratorium membuktikan bahwa tidak ada yang lebih baik selain imitasi gagal mereka; apabila dibandingkan dengan pasangan alamiahnya. Beragam rasa, bau dan warna di alam justru memberikan tanda-tanda yang tak tertandingi.

Bahwa semua sayuran dan buah-buahan memiliki bau dan rasa tersendiri serta mempunyai ciri khas warna yang berbeda-beda merupakan hasil kreasi yang diciptakan khusus untuk mereka. Hal itu semua merupakan karunia yang diberikan Allah atas manusia.
Hampir sama dengan hal di atas, binatang juga diciptakan untuk manusia. Terlepas dari kegunaannya sebagai makanan, manusia melihat bahwa bentuk fisik binatang-binatang tersebut memberikan daya tarik tersendiri. Ikan, batu karang, bintang laut yang menghiasi kedalaman laut dengan warna-warnanya yang indah, beragam burung yang habitatnya memesonakan atau kucing, anjing, lumba-lumba dan penguin...mereka semua merupakan karunia Allah. Allah menekankan hal ini dalam banyak ayat:

Dan Dia menundukkan untukmu apa yang ada di langit dan apa yang ada di bumi semuanya, (sebagai rahmat) daripada-Nya. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda (kekuasaan Allah) bagi kaum yang berpikir. (QS. 45:13)

Dan jika kamu menghitung-hitung nikmat Allah, niscaya kamu tak dapat menentukan jumlahnya. Sesungguhnya Allah benar-benar Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang. (QS. 16:18)

Dan Dia telah memberikan kepadamu (keperluanmu) dari segala apa yang kamu mohonkan kepadanya. Dan jika kamu menghitung nikmat Allah, tidaklah kamu dapat menghinggakannya. Sesungguhnya manusia itu, sangat zalim dan sangat mengingkari (nikmat Allah). (QS. 14:34)

Makhluk hidup yang telah dijelaskan di atas hanyalah merupakan sebagian kecil dari karunia dan keindahan yang Allah limpahkan. Ke mana saja kita berjalan, kita melintasi hasil ciptaan yang mencerminkan tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah. Allah adalah Maha Pemberi Rezeki, Maha Halus, Maha Dermawan, Maha Baik.

Sekarang, lihatlah sekeliling anda dan berpikirlah. Dan jangan pernah menafikan kenyataan bahwa segala sesuatu yang anda miliki merupakan karunia untuk anda dari sang Pencipta diri anda.

Dan apa saja nikmat yang ada pada kamu, maka dari Allah-lah (datangnya), dan bila kamu ditimpa oleh kemudharatan, maka hanya kepada-Nya-lah kamu meminta pertolongan. (QS. 16:53)

Thanks to God

Ketika aku memohon kepada Allah kekuatan…
Allah memberiku kesulitan agar aku menjadi kuat

Ketika komohon kepada Allah kebijaksanaan…
Allah memberiku masalah untuk aku pecahkan

Ketika komohon kepada Allah kesejahteraan…
Allah memberiku akal untuk berpikir

Ketika komohon kepada Allah keberanian…
Allah memberiku kondisi bahaya untuk aku atasi

Ketika aku memohon kepada Allah sebuah cinta…
Allah mempertemukan aku dengan orang-orang yang bermasalah untuk kotolong

Ketika aku memohon kepada Allah bantuan…
Allah memberikan aku kesempatan untuk mendapatkannya

Aku tak selalu memperoleh apa yang aku minta,
Tetapi aku menerima apa yang aku butuhkan

Doakupun terjawab sudah.

Mabuk Cinta Kepada Allah

Dikisahkan dalam sebuah kitab karangan Imam Al-Ghazali bahwa pada suatu hari Nabi Isa a.s berjalan di hadapan seorang pemuda yang sedang menyiram air di kebun. Bila pemuda yang sedang menyiram air itu melihat kepada Nabi Isa a.s berada di hadapannya maka dia pun berkata, "Wahai Nabi Isa a.s, kamu mintalah dari Tuhanmu agar Dia memberi kepadaku seberat semut Jarrah cintaku kepada-Nya."
Berkata Nabi Isa a.s, "Wahai saudaraku, kamu tidak akan terdaya untuk seberat Jarrah itu."

Berkata pemuda itu lagi, "Wahai Isa a.s, kalau aku tidak terdaya untuk satu Jarrah, maka kamu mintalah untukku setengah berat Jarrah."  Oleh kerana keinginan pemuda itu untuk mendapatkan kecintaannya kepada Allah, maka Nabi Isa a.s pun berdoa, "Ya Tuhanku, berikanlah dia setengah berat Jarrah cintanya kepada-Mu." Setelah Nabi Isa a.s berdoa maka beliau pun berlalu dari situ.

Selang beberapa lama Nabi Isa a.s datang lagi ke tempat pemuda yang memintanya berdoa, tetapi Nabi Isa a.s tidak dapat berjumpa dengan pemuda itu. Maka Nabi Isa a.s pun bertanya kepada orang yang lalu-lalang di tempat tersebut, dan berkata kepada salah seorang yang berada di situ bahwa pemuda itu telah gila dan kini berada di atas gunung.

Setelah Nabi Isa a.s mendengat penjelasan orang-orang itu maka beliau pun berdoa kepada Allah S.W.T, "Wahai Tuhanku, tunjukkanlah kepadaku tentang pemuda itu." Selesai saja Nabi Isa a.s berdoa maka beliau pun dapat melihat pemuda itu yang berada di antara gunung-ganang dan sedang duduk di atas sebuah batu besar, matanya memandang ke langit.

Nabi Isa a.s pun menghampiri pemuda itu dengan memberi salam, tetapi pemuda itu tidak menjawab salam Nabi Isa a.s, lalu Nabi Isa berkata, "Aku ini Isa a.s."Kemudian Allah S.W.T menurunkan wahyu yang berbunyi, "Wahai Isa, bagaimana dia dapat mendengar perbicaraan manusia, sebab dalam hatinya itu terdapat kadar setengah berat Jarrah cintanya kepada-Ku. Demi Keagungan dan Keluhuran-Ku, kalau engkau memotongnya dengan gergaji sekalipun tentu dia tidak mengetahuinya."

Barangsiapa yang mengakui tiga perkara tetapi tidak menyucikan diri dari tiga perkara yang lain maka dia adalah orang yang tertipu.

1. Orang yang mengaku kemanisan berzikir kepada Allah, tetapi dia mencintai dunia.

2. Orang yang mengaku cinta ikhlas di dalam beramal, tetapi dia inginmendapat sanjungan dari manusia.

3. Orang yang mengaku cinta kepada Tuhan yang menciptakannya, tetapi tidak berani merendahkan dirinya.

Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda, "Akan datang waktunya umatku akan mencintai lima lupa kepada yang lima :

1. Mereka cinta kepada dunia. Tetapi mereka lupa kepada akhirat.

2. Mereka cinta kepada harta benda. Tetapi mereka lupa kepada hisab.

3. Mereka cinta kepada makhluk. Tetapi mereka lupa kepada al-Khaliq.

4. Mereka cinta kepada dosa. Tetapi mereka lupa untuk bertaubat.

5. Mereka cinta kepada gedung-gedung mewah. Tetapi mereka lupa kepada kubur."

Internet Security and Blogger Virus

The internet was abuzz with talk that Blogger.com site got hacked and was compromised. Blog owners suddenly found fake spam Posts in their Blogs which contained links to virus downloads and data mining sites. Some were faced with inexplicable web page load times and yet others noticed odd codes appearing in their templates. The natural reaction is to blame all these on the people responsible for the viral attacks, even though that might not be the case. In this article, we shall share with you some tips that we have learned on internet security and protection. This include the actions we can take to prevent or minimize the possibility of having Blogger blogs hacked or hijacked.

Is Blogger.com safe?

The article in BBC, Bloggers battered by viral storm, reported that the latest incidents were the work of a group of hackers who had been mounting attacks since January. They used spam messages posted on bogus sites or sent through email to trick users to download malicious programs. The links can sometimes be couched as Youtube links or digital greeting card links. Also, the email subjects contained informal internet jargon which led recipients to think that the mail came from their friends.

In an official response yesterday, Eric of the Blogger team had confirmed that “Blogger was not compromised. Instead, the blog posts are from bloggers whose machines were compromised by a Trojan horse. These bloggers had their mail2blogger email addresses in their computers' address books ... so when the malicious software spammed every address in their address book with its content, a copy of that email was posted to their blog.”

In short, the Blogger platform is safe and if any, the Blog owners should ensure that their own computers are checked and protected against malware. Where then does this leave us?

How the virus got into Blogs

Before we look at the preventive actions to take, we may want to know how these fake posts made their way into our Blogs. When you are logged into Blogger, you can see under Settings -> Email a “Mail-to-Blogger Address” feature. This enables you to post to your Blog by emailing the Post content to a mail-to-blogger address.

For those who have not used this feature, you can set up the address by entering a word or characters into the part in red. This will be the address to which posts can be sent.


If you have checked the “Publish” box, any message that is sent to this address will automatically get published in the Blog. If the “Publish” box is unchecked, the message will be saved and you have to log in to your Blogger account to publish it. The email subject heading will appear as the Title of the Blog Post.

Although this is a useful feature for people on the go, it is also one that can be exploited. All it takes is for anyone to post an email to this address and whatever is in that email will appear in your Blog. It is therefore imperative that this address remain secret and confidential and anybody who is not authorized to post on your Blog should not know about it.

The moment a virus takes root in your computer, it can send malicious posts to the email addresses saved in your system's address book. If the above email address is one of them, you will see the post in your Blog. Since your Blog is legitimate, your readers and friends may read the post and click some of the links thinking that you would not put harmful material on your Blog. Once they do that, their computers may inadvertently be infected with the malware and they in turn have malicious links appear in their own blogs, and the cycle continues.

Preventive Steps to ensure Blog Security

1. Scan Computer and Protect against Threats

This sounds obvious and yet there are many who do not see the need to protect their systems against viral threats. Some may find the scanning time long (stretches to an hour for a full scan) or do not have a habit of scanning their systems. Others may find it costly to pay for an anti-virus software license. Always consider the alternative – the risk of losing all your data or having to reformat your hard drive – and you would probably agree that a little effort goes a long way to ensure a peace of mind.

If you don't have an updated antivirus software installed in your computer, make it a point to scan your computer using one of the free online virus scanners, such as:-

a. Trend Micro Housecall b. BitDefender Online Virus Scanner c. Kaspersky Online Scanner d. F-Secure Online Virus Scanner e. Symantec Security Check

If you Google “online scanners”, you may see many sites which claim to provide free online virus scans. While many are authentic, there could well be a few which are not. Check them out if you'd like and stick to the tried-and-tested sites for future scans.

You can also download and install the free Google Pack and include the Norton Security Scan which eliminates viruses and the Spyware Doctor which removes spywares, adwares, trojans and keyloggers.

Another free software that we highly recommend is AVG Anti-Virus software. Go for the Free Edition. For a complete protection, install as well ZoneAlarm Firewall if you are not using your MS Windows Defender. These softwares update their programs and definitions regularly and the reviews on them have been very positive.

2. Configure Mail-to-Blogger Address

If you see a need to post to your blog via email, or think that others know your mail-to-blogger address, go back to Settings -> Email and pick/change the address into something that nobody can easily guess. Since the intent of this function is to have posts published without having to log in to Blogger, ticking the “Publish” option makes sense. After saving the Settings, go back to your email software e.g., Outlook Express, Eudora. Remove that mail-to-blogger address from the address book. By making no mention of it anywhere, even if the virus sends out mail to all the addresses in the address book, nothing will be sent to your Blog.

3. Create different email and login addresses

Out of convenience, many people stick to one name for all their logins, emails and signatures. For example, they may have these:-

blog name: myname.blogspot.com login name: myname@gmail.com email address given to readers: myname@gmail.com user: myname

If people are bent on hacking your Blog, it is easy for them to figure out what your login name is and use programs to crack your password. When you create your next blog, consider assigning different names or not using your actual name:-

blog name: blogname.blogspot.com login name: notmyname@gmail.com email address given to readers: anothername@gmail.com user: screenname

4. Set browser security

In Internet Explorer -> Tools -> Internet Options, set the Security level for Internet zone to Medium-High or High. Also, in the later versions, you can turn on the Automatic Website Checking feature in the Phishing Filter settings.

If you are using Firefox, go to Tools -> Add-ons and click the “Get Extensions” link. Look for a popular extension called “NoScript”. What it does is to block JavaScripts and executable files and only allows those that you trust. It makes surfing the net a lot safer, and lessens the chance of unintentionally running malicious scripts.

5. Use third party scripts with care

JavaScripts make our websites dynamic and vibrant, but malicious scripts can cause a great deal of harm. In our eagerness to place nice-looking widgets and interactivity into our sites, we sometimes overlook the fact that third party service providers are not always trustworthy. Some domains last a few days, just enough for the hijacker to place downloadable widget scripts on the sites and to back out of the domain purchase after the cooling-off period. Blogs can also list harmful scripts, some of them blindly copied from other sites while others intentionally created to trick readers.

For instance, you may come across an application that you like and are given a code to place into your template. This code typically contains a link to a file ending with .js extension. When your Blog page is loaded, this script is retrieved from the site where the file is stored and it runs in the background. Some prudent Blog owners do take the trouble to go through the script language and ascertain that there is nothing wrong with it. However, because the file is hosted in that provider's server, if they should decide to change it later and throw in something extra, you would have unknowingly introduced that into your Blog.

For the same reason, we have cautioned readers against downloading ready-made and customized templates from unknown or untested sources. Since not all of us are technical experts, we may not notice an undesirable script hidden somewhere in the template. Hence, for our guides such as the three columns template guides, we prefer to show you how to DIY and customize your own template. In this way, you know what goes into it and can easily reverse the change in future.

6. Watch what we say or write

We thought we should add this. Many of these people either do it for the challenge or out of spite. Just as wearing skimpy clothes invites unnecessary attention and opening our door invites thieves, words and actions can give hackers the excuse to compromise your site. Observe basic courtesy and net etiquette. Be modest about your site. Every site can be the target of hijacks, including ours; no site is invulnerable.

What to do if Blog is hacked?

Despite all the security and preventive steps, if the day should come when the Blog contents disappear, the first thing to do is to scan the computer for viruses and malware. Do not login to your email or other accounts since this might open up more doors for the virus. Once the system is completely scanned and rendered safe, you may login to your Dashboard and view the Settings. Take note of the information that has been altered.

It is also possible that you are unable to login because the password has been changed, or that the Blog and Blog Posts are deleted. Write to the Blogger Support Team using another email account. Give them as much details as possible and allow them time to investigate the cause. Since Google servers would have backed up our data, it should be possible for them to reinstate your Blog upon proof of ownership.

Where the contents cannot be entirely retrieved, you may have to re-create the Blog. In moments like this, you would appreciate the importance of keeping backups of the template source codes and saving copies of the articles you have written.

Further reading:-

As mentioned, if the Blog page load takes longer than usual, it is not necessarily caused by a virus. Blogger.com could be experiencing a downtime, or the external sites where information is retrieved from may be causing the delay. This usually happens when we put a number of third party applications and widgets into our site, such as advertising services, gadgets and scripts. Our article on Faster Web Page Load Time explains how you can check the page load time and improve the speed.

Your Program to Self-improvement

You deserve all the joy and happiness you can achieve
through your own efforts.

There are many ways to lose your sense of self-esteem
despite of how trivial it could get. But whatever happens,
we should all try not to lose our own sense of self.

Things you can think and improve.

1. Know your purpose
Are you wandering that you'll find happiness, health
and prosperity?
Identify your life purpose or mission statement.

2. Know your values
Make a list of your top 5 values. Some examples are
security, freedom, family, spiritual development,
learning. Check your goals against your values.
If the goal doesn't align with any of your top five
values - you may want to revise it.

3. Know your needs
Take care of yourself. Do you have a need to be
acknowledged, to be right, to be in control, to be loved?
There are so many people who lived their lives
without realizing their dreams and most of them end
up being stressed or even depressed for that matter.
List your top four needs and get them met before it's too late!

4. Know your passions
You know who you are and what you truly enjoy in life.
Express yourself and honor the people who has inspired you
to become the person you wanted to be.

5. Live from the inside out
Increase your awareness of your inner wisdom by regularly
reflecting in silence.
Commune with nature. Breathe deeply to quiet your
distracted mind.

6. Honor your strengths
What special talents do you have? List three - if you get stuck,
ask those closest to you to help identify these. You can increase
your self-confidence when you can share what you know to others.

7. Serve others
When you live authentically, you may find that you develop an
interconnected sense of being. When you are true to who you are,
living your purpose and giving of your talents to the world around you.

Best regards,

Jose Palomino

PS. I Have My Business on the NET Without Paying One Cent. You can do the same...

Creating a life of Wealth

One of the biggest secrets to creating a life of wealth, as well as personal and professional satisfaction, is to find ways to turn the things you enjoy into an income.

Entrepreneurs are making hundreds of thousands of dollars from their hobbies online. They simply took something they enjoyed, and they found a way to make money with it.

Over time, a specialized hobby shop - owned by an enthusiast - is likely to be more profitable than one owned by a businessperson who is just in the business for the money.

When you enjoy doing what you do for a living, you will put more time and focused energy into it. Two of the most important elements of succeeding at anything.

As a network marketer, and especially as an affiliate of GDI, you already have a plan that is been put in place for you.

In a way, you have an advantage over the hobbyist. You have blueprints for success that can be easily followed by anyone. The roadway to success is already there for you. All you have to do is hop into the vehicle and drive it. Just like driving a car, if you are applying focused energy and putting in the time, you are going to get where you are headed.

Make your workday more fun. Instead of driving a 1970 model beat-up old station wagon, tear up the road to success in a Ferrari.

Even if the actual tasks you’re doing are not “fun,” that does not mean your workday can not be enjoyable.

Imagine this: John Doe has a task to do that is repetitive and a little boring. He earns a low wage and sits in a cubicle that has gray walls with nothing on them.

Give John a small corner office with a nice view of the skyline. Give him a small radio playing soft and non-intrusive music. Finally, give John some nice motivation to complete the task.

This is the exact same guy, doing the exact same task. But in the first scenario, we almost feel sorry for John. In the second, John is probably a hard working guy, doing a task that is not loads of fun - but at least his environment is enjoyable. That makes John much more productive.

Heck, if John was a network marketer and his own boss, he could grab his laptop and his cell phone and complete his day is work from pretty much anywhere he wanted to!

Think about YOUR work environment. What steps have you taken to make sure that your surroundings are as stress-free as possible?

Your energy will have a great impact as a GDI affiliate.

Take a few minutes to think about ways you can make being a GDI affiliate as enjoyable as it can be - for YOU.

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