worth the wait...OPI Black Shatter!

i have been waiting (and waiting...) for OPI Black Shatter for some time now. it seemed everywhere i could possibly get it didn't have it because they sold out so quickly (obviously, i'm not the only nail polish fan in my area!).


until wednesday when i took a chance at Trade Secret and found they had just received a new shipment-- yes! i was beyond excited. i have been telling my daughter all about it and she, a huge nail polish fan, didn't stop asking me every other week, "did you find it yet?".


in any case, i did find it and as soon as i was able, swpied a coat over my fresh manicure (pic at top; the color is an old fave, Color Club Ms. Socialite). i have to say, i love it! it's no wonder it's so popular. plus, application is so easy-- one coat, let it sit, and within a minute you've got a most fabulous shattered mani! a top coat is necessary if you want it to be shiny, but other than that you really can't mess it up.

my baby girl's nails, Shatter over Sally Hansen Choco-Latte...cute, no?

have you tried OPI Shatter yet?

Andrea Luna

Modelo, latina, nacida en Perú... Sexy y con futuro......

hello monday...and a new lipgloss

do you find that your week just flies by? i do-- here it is monday again! after a busy weekend (and a time change, boo), i am now looking back on last week and thinking, "where did it go?"

well, in a nutshell...

i put some more miles on my running shoes, went on two 4+ mile hikes, began reading some new books, caught up with an old friend, treated myself to a very overdue pedicure (ahhh...), cooked some new recipes and bought myself a new lipgloss.

all of that in addition to the everyday tasks that come along with being a mom and wife.


so, back to the lipgloss...

it's Revlon's new ColorBurst gloss that i bought from my local Walgreens while waiting for a prescription to be filled (waiting is so dangerous, i must say-- i always linger in the beauty department, and the longer i'm there, the more money i end up spending!). it just so happened that the beauty advisor had a coupon and the lippie was on sale, so i couldn't resist.

i chose Sunset Peach, a slightly sheer, but oh-so pretty shade (yes, i realize it's a "safe" shade, but in my defense, the color i wanted to initially get was sold out). the soft texture feels fabulous on my lips and it's not sticky in the slightest. i love the tube as well. it reminds me of a Chanel gloss-- wouldn't you agree?? in any case, i will definitely be buying a few more of these.

hope your week was a great one-- here's to another one. ;)

first image via weheartit.com; lipgloss pic taken by me :)

Dayana Mendoza

Se trata de la Miss Universo, Miss Venezuela y una mujer en todo sorprendente. sólo tiene 23 años pero ya ha conquistado el mundo. Maxim Magazine de la entrevista y la difusión de las fotos del año le pertenecen....

Kate Upton

Dieciocho años de edad, Kate Upton es uno de los modelos sexy del 2011 en Sport Illustrated.

breakfast tea...

i have a bit of an obsession with tea right now. any yum-sounding blend catches my attention (think exotic flavors like coconut and sweet flavorings like caramel...mmm). at this moment you could come over to my home and have most any variety you might like-- green, white, black, chai, herbal, floral, etc.-- in a variety of blends and combinations.

i love the creative way teas are made, don't you?

typically, my mornings begin with a detox tea (filled with many different herbs to keep the body healthy) and i like a green tea mid-morning. currently, i'm in love with my Irish and English breakfast teas from Twinings. they aren't new, but they are delish, and you can find them in most grocery stores. the Irish blend is hearty and robust, making my desire for coffee like a faint memory (well, ok it's not a memory, but i definitely haven't been drinking much coffee lately). i love sipping this with my first meal of the day. the English blend is smooth and elegant, as you might imagine-- fancy a spot of tea?-- and a gorgeous compliment to my breakfasts as well.

i'd love to know, do you enjoy tea? or is coffee more your thing?? any one brand or blend in particular?

By Crew